Kolby Dunning

A self-taught developer filling my time with projects.

Need help with a project?

I am always looking to help people make their ideas come to life. If you want something done, feel free to email me using the button above and we can figure out if that is something I can help you with.


Language Experience
Laravel (+ PHP) March 2020 - Present
Python June 2020 - Present
Java February 2021 - Present

Experience with:

Organizational Work

I've worked with the VATCAN and Winnipeg FIR organizations. Both are not-for-profit organizations that I've focused on developing Laravel websites for, as well as some Python and Java work.

Working within these organizations has taught me most of my programming knowledge and I am grateful that I've had the chance to work with them.

Most of my current work is for organizations within the VATSIM network.

If you'd like to review code that I've worked on within these groups, please reach out to me via email.


November 2020 was when I joined as the second member of the VATCAN web team. We were focused on upgrading the current website as the old version became un-maintainable. As well, during this project we learned that we would need to have the whole thing done by March 31, 2021 or users would become unable to login (as VATSIM was removing their old login system).

During those 5 months, Jordan and I wrote over 50,000 lines of code to complete the website, and fufill the goals that were set out at the start of the project. Even though the project was done, we still had to handle the task of converting all of our data.

I wrote 6 converters built into the website to allow data to be converted, as well as a Python converter for FIRs (subdivisions of VATCAN) to move their training notes from Trello. All data was moved successfully.

August 2021, VATCAN moved it's infrastructure to Kubernetes. In 3 days, all of VATCAN's services were re-dockerized and moved into K8s. We also enabled us to be able to automatically re-deploy our code through the use of Github Actions. 0 downtime was experienced on any of our services.

Personal Work

Most of the work I do alone is with Python as I mostly make scripts for personal use. Some of the projects I've done are below.

Spotify Playlist Converter

I had an issue that I wanted to share my Spotify songs with others when I do not save my songs in a playlist, but in my 'liked songs'.

I created this script for myself using the Spotipy dependency, and it works better than I expected it to in the end.

With You Bot

This project started off as a joke but turned into a fairly fun project. To clarify for the non-aviation folk, pilots like to say 'with you' when they initially call you on frequency. This would be equivalent to saying 'I'm here!' when you are standing in front of someone.

This is a discord bot to count the amount of times someone calls in on frequency saying 'with you'. The bot started off with just a basic counter stored in memory, but eventually evolved to storing the number in a txt file and database integration. This project shows my evolvement of my Python skills from June 2020 - now.